
High Magick

A Three Day Live Event

october 24th - 26th

speaker schedule

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Learn the inspiration behind High Magick and participate in an introductory Ritual to set the stage for your highest level transformation over the next 3 Days! 

Opening Ceremony

 Elizabeth Bercovici

9 a.m to 10 a.m. EST

october 24th

day one

Aurora teaches us how to set intentions with the Moon, to deepen our intuition and receive messages and symbols – this is sacred feminine magic! The Moon is a powerful force that is always working with us and when we learn to connect consciously with the cycles of the Moon as she waxes and wanes we experience increased synchronicity, psychic ability, and extraordinary magic! Aurora will also draw on her experiences as a High Priestess to bring through a special understanding of Alchemy and how we can create powerful transformation in our lives! 

Moon Magick and High Alchemy!

Aurora Farber

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. EST

Join Beloved Brigid, her triple flame, and her entourage of divine dragons. Learn about Dragon Magick and how these beautiful beings are here to support your deepest desires. You’ll also work with the Ancestors and the Element of Fire to clear away limitations and rekindle your unique divine spark! Get ready to marinate in the frequencies of freedom, liberation, creativity and magick! 

Dragon Magick with the Goddess Brigid

Cynthia Portlock

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST

Learn Raven Magick with Raven! Experience deep shadow work, transformation, and potent magick to step into your true power! Raven will also teach you the difference between a Witch and a Magician! Dive deeply into each archetype and learn why Raven Magick is so powerful. 

 Raven Magick 


12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

We’ll finish the day with a beautiful Meditation, supported by our highest level guides! This will seal in the energy of powerful transformation and prepare us for all the magick that’s coming on Day 2! 

Closing Activation 

Elizabeth Bercovici

1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST

Learn how romantic love can be practiced as High Magic. Discover how to prepare – in body, mind & spirit -- to engage Sacred Relationships. You’ll also learn more about the fruits of Sacred Relationship as a Magical Path!

The High Magic of Sacred Relationships

Akara Sophia

7:30 a.m. EST - 9 a.m. EST

october 25th

day two

For many people magic is only real in books and movies, but Eimear Stassin has experienced the power of magic first hand! This bold Earth Witch and Sacred Storyteller shares her wisdom and recent experiences with the resurgence of magic that’s sweeping over the land! Magic is far more powerful than we have ever dared dream before. Enjoy this Sacred Conversation with Eimear Stassin to learn about the true power of magic and its return to our earth! 

The Reclamation of Magic! 

Eimear Stassin

9:00 a.m. EST to 10 a.m. EST

Kevin will work with his Dragon Guides to bring through powerful healing and transformation! Learn about the true nature of magic and the sacred wisdom of the Dragons. The Dragons are very much the leading energy and force behind this event – you never know what to expect with dragons – but we are sure it will be unforgettable! 

Dragon Magick 

Kevin Humphrey

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. EST

Receive wisdom teachings from Merlin including a beautiful activation to connect you with your inner magic! 

High Magic with Merlin & Small Break

Elizabeth Bercovici

11 a.m. to 12 p.m. EST

Get ready for EPIC Creativity Magic with the Goddess Hathor! You’ll also learn Foundational Principles of Egyptian Magic and Alchemy. Experience flow consciousness and discover why Hathor is such a powerful Goddess to connect with when you’re looking to take your creativity to the next level! 

Embodied Creativity Activation with Hathor

Leah Sonaria

12 p.m. to 1 p.m. EST

Enjoy another beautiful Guided Journey with Merlin, to wrap up the day, and help us prepare for all the Magick that’s coming on Day 3! 

Closing Activation with Merlin!

Elizabeth Bercovici

1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. est

october 26th

day three

Cheryl Prince shares the History of Magick and reveals powerful Storytelling secrets! Did you know that Magic and Storytelling have always been connected? Most of the famous Storytellers in today’s world have used magic to create the global impact they now enjoy. Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry at large, keep people asleep and content with the status quo, but true art, like true magick, is meant to inspire transformation. Learn the power that Magical Storytelling and Ritual Theatre have to awaken the masses and bring powerful change to the world.

Magical Storytelling and Ritual Theatre 

Cheryl Prince

10:30 to 12 p.m. est

This will be a special talk to really deepen our understanding of what High Magick means, what it’s about, and how we can practice and experience it in our daily lives! There will also be a special activation to set us up for this VERY powerful day! 

Deepening our Understanding of High Magick!

 Elizabeth Bercovici

12 p.m. to 1 p.m. est

Aaron, the Elven Wizard, will guide us in connecting with our infinite majikal potential beyond our human self. From this point of our true essence, our Avatar, we can weave Majik into all areas of our lives to expand beyond our wildest dreams! Aaron will also connect us with his Dragon Allies and talk about the collective spell he's been in the process of unraveling, which has made human beings believe that magic isn’t real! This Elven Wizard’s connection to the Otherworld is potent and incredibly special, get ready for a powerful experience of REAL magic!

Unleashing the Infinite Majik Within

Aaron Pyne the Elven Wizard 

1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. est

We’ll express our gratitude to all the sacred and holy beings who guided us during High Magick so we could experience powerful breakthroughs and transformation. There will be one final activation and Closing Ceremony to seal the container and help you integrate all the magic you’ve experienced over the last three days! 

Closing Activation

Elizabeth Bercovici

2:30 to 3 p.m. est

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